
In coaching the focus is on “from here and onwards”, ie the current situation and the desired situation forward in time. What has gone wrong in the past is less interesting.

Maybe you want to figure what you think and feel about a decision you need to make. Maybe you want to move on from the situation you are in right now. Or maybe just find the things that truly motivate and engage you.

Coach/client relationship

The coach/client relationship is an equal and professional relationship between the coach and the client, where the client is seen as an expert on himself. The coach has a duty of confidentiality and always has the client’s best interests in mind. Coaching is not a therapeutic treatment, but the client is assumed to be healthy and resourceful, interested in their own development and willing to spend time moving forward in the process.

Balance – dreams – driving forces

What makes you happy? What gives you energy? Feeling secure in one’s life choices and values ​​makes it possible to live life the way one wants to. There are many actors in our modern society who are fighting to influence us in different directions, and it is not entirely easy to know what you really want. What are your driving forces? What do you dream about? How can you find balance in your life?

What is important to you?

In coaching, the starting point is that we have resources within ourselves that we can utilize in a better way or to a greater extent. Doing what you think is important for real and finding your driving forces can release large amounts of energy. It can increase your understanding for both yourself and others. A knowledge that is extra valuable and important in a world where we are served other people’s opinions at an ever faster pace.

What does the coach do?

Coaching is a clear and structured way of talking where the coach helps you pick out what is important. The basic idea in coaching is that within all of us there is knowledge of what it is we need to do to feel good and to succeed with what we want. The purpose of coaching is to lift and develop the strong, healthy and positive within the client and to help create motivation to implement it.

Coach-Client relationship

The International Coach Federation (ICF) has defined 11 core competencies for professional coaching. They are:

Core competencies What you can expect from your coach
1. Ethics and professionalism Follows ICF’s ethical guidelines and acts professionally.
2. The Coaching Agreement Establishes a coaching agreement with you as a client.
3. Trust and closeness Do your best to make yourself feel comfortable in the coaching situation.
4. Coaching presence Is present in thought and attention and can capture what is happening in the moment in a flexible way.
5. Active listening Listens actively and without mixing in your own opinions.
6. Powerful questions Ask questions that take you forward.
7. Direct communication Communicates easily and clearly and tunes so that no misunderstandings arise.
8. Create awareness Feedback and clarify what you communicate in different ways.
9. Planning and goals Helps you set goals that are in line with your dreams and visions.
10. Design actions Believe in you and your ability and help you design actions that take you towards your goal.
11. Progress and responsibility Holds you accountable for your own development.


I got my coach training according to ICF standards at Coach Companion in Stockholm. Read more about me and my training here: about Eva


Coach CompanionICF Sverige


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